Candidates are eagerly waiting for the declaration of RAS 2023 Prelims result. In this this post, we have provided all the relevant details such date of declaration of RAS 2023 result, roll no. wise pdf download process etc.
NOTE: If you are preparing for RAS Mains then we have compiled Free Study Material And Booklist from RAS Toppers of RAS 2021 and RAS 2018 Exam.
Table of Contents
What is RAS Examination?

Rajasthan Public Service Commission has conducted Rajasthan’s most prestigious competitive exam that is RAS 2023 (Rajasthan Administrative Services) on 1st 2023 in offline mode at various examination centers in Rajasthan.
RAS Prelims Result 2023
The prelims result of RAS 2023 examination containing category wise and gender wise cutoff marks will be available in the last week in October. 2023. You are advised to visit the official website to get the latest updates regarding the RAS 2023 prelims results.
*RAS 2023* result Declared, click here to check the result:
If you want to know the previous years cutoff then you can click on this link. Click Here
Step-by-step Instructions to Check RAS 2023 Prelims Result:
- Firstly, you have to visit Rajasthan Public Service Commission’s offical website i.e.
- Then click on the results avaible on the homepage of the website.
- There will be a pdf with title “Result Preliminary Examination and Cut-Off Marks of Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Pre.) Examination-2023“
- You have to click on the link and download the pdf that contains all the relevant details regarding the result such as cutoffs and marks.
Posts available under RAS 2023 Examination Notification:
Since it is one of the most renowned examinations of Rajasthan, lakhs of students apply for the post of Rajasthan Administratative Services, Rajasthan Police Services, Tehsildaar post etc. Here is the list of top posts available under RAS 2023 Examination Official Notification under which total 905 vacancies are available:
- RAS – Rajasthan Administrative Service राजस्थान प्रशासनिक सेवा
- RPS – Rajasthan Police Service राजस्थान पुलिस सेवा
- Rajasthan Account Service राजस्थान लेखा सेवा
- Rajasthan Industry Service राजस्थान उद्योग सेवा
- Rajasthan State Insurance Service राजस्थान राज्य बीमा सेवा
- Rajasthan Cooperative Service राजस्थान सहकारी सेवा
- Rajasthan Commercial Tax Service राजस्थान वाणिज्यिक कर सेवा
- Rajasthan Jail Service राजस्थान कारागार सेवा
- Rajasthan Planning Service राजस्थान नियोजन कार्यालय सेवा
- Rajasthan Women And Child Development राजस्थान महिला एवं बाल विकास सेवा
- Rajasthan Fertilizer and Civil Supplies राजस्थान खाद्य एवं नागरिक रसद सेवा
- Rajasthan Rural Development Service राजस्थान ग्रामीण विकास सेवा
- Rajasthan Women Development राजस्थान महिला विकास सेवा
- Rajasthan Tourism Service राजस्थान पर्यटन सेवा
- Rajasthan Transport Service राजस्थान परिवहन सेवा
- Rajasthan Devasthan Service राजस्थान देवस्थान सेवा
- Rajasthan Labour Welfare Service राजस्थान श्रम कल्याण सेवा
RPSC Merit list and Final Result 2023:
RPSC will release the final merit list and rank with roll no. once the process of three stages of examination i.e., Prelims, Mains and Interview will be completed. Then, you will be able to check your rank category wise and gender wise in the final merit list that will be uploaded on the RPSC’s official website after commencement of completed examination process.